manmachine狠角色 big shot大人物 chic boy帅哥 big daddy老爹 monster魔兽 flash闪电侠 UFO不明飞行 K/[]er<cArn> Ps.K/[]er softly· 、 End. ゛_Candy.℡ 丨丶ove| Just D﹑ior ┢┦aΡpy | Sòrγy Dearヽ honeyヽ Carcrashes. Denver 〆゛丶yo yo Melody face w as shocked and coul d not beli eve, micro -Lan heart su ddenly sink to th e most bottom. nd I sat in mi cro-Lan Zhang N an on both side s of beds, on e year no, Choan i ncreasingly thin, and wi